Tim and I have a saying. "It's the little things." We often say that when something small goes our way. Digging in the fridge and finding the Duke's brand mayo when making a tomato sandwich in July. Clean sheets on the bed. Blue slushies when we stop for gas on a long trip.
Those things probably sound silly to most people, but noticing the small, fleeting "pieces of happiness" is important. The little pieces of happiness at the lodge are without a doubt, the most enjoyable part of Willow Oak for us.

The picture above I snapped on the way up the driveway one morning. The drive through the cool, dark woods, with the sun peeking through the trees made me notice that I could do worse for a morning commute. Visitors ask us if we ever get used to the property and seeing the wildlife so often. We really don't. We know how blessed we are to be able to have jobs that allow us to be in the outdoors.
No matter how many times we see the does of our herd, it is still exciting to see them cross the road with their new fawns tagging along. Watching the kids who visit get outside and get dirty and play in the creek or catch lightning bugs brings back wonderful memories of our own childhoods.

One of our favorite "little things" is watching our dogs work. It is incredible to watch your four-legged family members you love so much, do what they were born to do. Better yet, is watching clients enjoy them just as much. Now we have two new cocker spaniel pups in training to join the GSPs on the hunt. If you would like to come watch Bo and Willow and our other dogs work, or maybe bring your own pointer, you can check out our quail hunts here: https://www.visitwillowoak.com/quail-hunting In the meantime, I hope you will take some time today to enjoy the little things.